Animal lover/ devout 90s' kid, Lianne Gee, reviews the Neil Diamond concert she attended last week in Vancouver, B.C.
The comedic side of going to see Neil Diamond.
Epic, hilarious, and entertaining.
1. The crowd is so old that going up a set of stairs takes 10 minutes filled with many “near falls”. So old in fact that they’re all hanging on to the banister for dear life and moving very, very slowly.
I wasn’t sure who needed my help the most.
2. The way each song was finished with a valiant and dramatic arm outstretched to the audience.
3. Are those rhinestones on his pants?
4. The giant rotisserie diamond in centre stage that Neil walked out of. Epic.
5. The same swaying dance move to every song.
6. “I’m gonna be moving around a lot”.
7.“I go where the noise is”. What?
8. Uhm. “Raise your hand to The Man!” This is where things took a religious turn. They sang “Hallelujah,” and Neil says: “Take your hand and put it out there! Take my hand sweet Lord!”… Brainwash.
9. How the encore was 7 songs- he even changed into a gold jacket!
10. The crowd cheered for 5 minutes post “Sweet Caroline,” so he sang the chorus one more time. YES.
And that folks, is all you really need to know.