Recipe: Zucchini Flower Pasta

"An admirable woman in Conegliano, Veneto shared this recipe with me a couple years ago. Her family recently went through some health changes, and because of that, the Italian mother struggled to replace her dishes with Gluten-Free options. This one, I must say, she mastered. Celebrate your garden's blossoms with the delicious, light recipe from...

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Roasted Chicken Recipe

"Fill your home with the aroma of a slow-roasting chicken, garlic cloves, red onion. Perfect comfort food for a rainy day. This is a simple recipe which I hope you enjoy it as much I did creating it!" Photojournalist, Saidia Zaloski Simple Slow Roasted Chicken with rice and garlic Serves 2-4 Baste this baby every...

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Weed in America

As a Canadian tourist, I had been curious and a little envious of the recent legalization of Mary-Jane in the states.   I had explored Amsterdam, smoked a spliff and biked the streets. I wondered if the American system was distributing like the notorious city, and how similar would the capitalist’s product of pot be....

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Italian taught: Vegetable Soup

I discovered this recipe by leaning over the shoulder of the angry, Italian mother that I lived with for some time in Alba, Piemonte. During my time there, I taught English to 3 different families, learning what I can about food and culture from the homes I lived in, all  separate regions of Veneto, Linguiria,…

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